When Pregnancy is Not Beautiful

Society creates this idealized version of pregnancy. It’s romantic, and beautiful and don’t forget a miracle! Sometimes though, it doesn’t feel like any of those things. Creating a human life is a beautiful thing, but you’re still sacrificing nutrients, hormones, and your physical body to this little person inside of you. The truth is, pregnancy is hard! If you are feeling tired, weak, sick, or just plain miserable, you’re not alone. While it’s so important to be mindful of this beautiful journey you get to have, it’s not a walk in the park. It’s okay not to have a perfect pregnancy. Here’s what to do when you’re really struggling with it.

Turn down the nausea, Turn up the protein

You are usually nauseous because you’re giving so many nutrients to the baby that you don’t have enough yourself. It’s the same reason that you have been extra thirsty and hungry. Don’t ignore those urges! I believe the easiest thing to do is just don’t get hungry. Keep eating small snacks and meals all day long vs. eating three big meals, and ALWAYS be drinking water.

Get moving

Exercise will get your blood flowing, digestive system moving, happy hormones boosting, and it will help you get fit for delivery and postpartum! It’s important to stay as active as you were before pregnancy, or to create a habit of engaging in some low-impact exercise routines. You can work out at home, go for a run, or hit the gym. Swimming is recommended for pregnant women because it takes some of that extra weight off your back and relieves tension.

Take that nap!

Because you are sacrificing nutrients and energy, you will likely be tired! Give yourself the extra grace to take that nap, or have some quiet time if you have kids already. Make sure that you are getting a good 8 hours of sleep every night as well.

Daydream about the future

I think sometimes it’s easy for us as pregnant women to get kind of like tunnel vision when it comes to our pregnancy and not remember the outcome of the circumstances. You’re going to have a little baby to hold, kiss, and snuggle so soon, and that little baby is going to turn into a hilarious toddler after that! You’ll be picking out cute clothes, taking trips to the park, and experiencing so many new things as a mom! When I remember what (or who) I’m doing this for, it’s easier to do.

Spend time with friends and family

Very soon there won’t be as much time to spend freely. Make sure you’re spending time with friends, planning that baby moon, and visiting family while you can! It will take your mind off of the pregnancy symptoms and help you to stay busy.

You can still have a great pregnancy

Your pregnancy might not be one for the movies, that’s ok. Nothing is perfect. Do your best to enjoy the good moments and make memories. Give yourself grace for the rough mornings you can’t escape the bathroom. This is not forever, and you’re getting a precious new baby at the end. You can do this mama!