The Five Senses of Motherhood

Motherhood demands all five senses

Taste, touch, smell, hear and see

I spend too much time wondering who he will be

While your baby is experiencing life for the very first time

You are wondering how much of it you’re actually getting right

It sounds like quiet mornings in a house still dark

It sounds like so many noises I can’t tell them apart

It sounds like baby giggles and loud cries

It sounds like late nights and lullabies

It looks like cute smiles, wide eyes, and tiny toes

It looks like a messy house covered in Legos

It looks like Saturday morning cartoons

It looks like pictures you drew of me and you

It smells like dirty diapers and dishes in the sink

It smells like: is this spit up or drool, what do you think?

It smells like pancakes for breakfast, and homemade cookies

It smells like pizza rolls and chicken nuggies

It tastes like coffee, red bull, do you have any caffeine?

It tastes like ice cream for breakfast occasionally 

It feels like soft baby skin and warm cuddles

It feels like boo-boo kisses and sick-day snuggles

It feels like bouncing for hours until baby finally sleeps

It feels like absolutely everything I thought it would be.